[ExI] The future of generative AI

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Sat May 20 22:53:56 UTC 2023

Fear the fire or harness the flame: The future of generative AI

Gary Grossman  May 20, 2023 6:40 AM


Arguably already showing early signs of AGI, developers continue to
make advances with large language models (LLMs). Late last week,
Google announced significant upgrades to their Bard chatbot. This
upgrade included moving Bard to the new PaLM 2 large language model.
Per a CNBC report, PaLM 2 uses almost five times as much training data
as its predecessor from 2022, allowing it to perform more advanced
coding, math and creative writing tasks.
Not to be outdone, OpenAI this week started to make plug-ins available
for ChatGPT, including the ability to access the Internet in real time
instead of relying solely on a dataset with content through 2021.

At the same time, Anthropic announced an expanded “context window” for
their Claude chatbot. Per a LinkedIn post from AI expert Azeem Azhar,
a context window is the length of text that a LLM can process and
respond to.
“In a sense, it is like the ‘memory’ of the system for a given
analysis or conversation,” Azhar wrote. “Larger context windows allow
the systems to have much longer conversations or to analyze much
bigger, more complex documents.”
According to this post, the window for Claude is now about three times
larger than that for ChatGPT.

All of which is to say that if ChatGPT exhibited sparks of AGI in
research performed several months ago, state of the art has already
surpassed these capabilities.

The Chatbots are improving month by month.
If you tested them last month, your results are already out of date.


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