[ExI] Emotionally Worded Prompts Can Push AI Into Better Answers

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Mon Nov 13 21:56:04 UTC 2023

The Answer To Why Emotionally Worded Prompts Can Goose Generative AI
Into Better Answers And How To Spur A Decidedly Positive Rise Out Of AI

Dr. Lance B. Eliot is a world-renowned expert on Artificial
Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).     Nov 11, 2023


All in all, a new handy rule of thumb is that it makes abundant sense
to seed your prompts with some amount of emotional language or
entreaties, doing so within reasonable limits. I’ll in a moment
explain to you the likely basis for why the AI apparently “reacts” to
your use of emotional wording.

This long interesting article explains that it all goes back to what
the AI was trained on.
I haven't tested it myself yet, but my future prompts to AIs will
certainly include a bit of pleading and begging!  :)


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