[ExI] The multiverse is unscientific nonsense

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 20:08:45 UTC 2023

The multiverse is unscientific nonsense
It's all mere speculation

13th November 2023
Jacob Barandes
Lecturer in Physics, working on the philosophy of physics, at Harvard

Everyone from physicists like Michio Kaku to Marvel superheroes
propagate the idea of the multiverse - an infinite set of parallel
universes. But Jacob Barandes argues that any talk of multiverses is
nothing more than wild speculation, be it in quantum mechanics or
cosmology, and that physicists and philosophers are not doing the
public a service by suggesting otherwise.

Readers may have heard that according to a particular interpretation
of quantum theory, we’re living in a “quantum multiverse” consisting
of parallel realities that exist “in superposition.” And according to
certain lines of research coming out of string theory, our observable
universe is only a small part of a vast “cosmic multiverse” containing
other regions of space in which the fundamental laws of physics are
substantially different.

These are extraordinary claims, too, but we don’t have extraordinary
evidence for them – not by a long shot. As such, any talk of
multiverses – whether the quantum kind or the cosmic kind – is nothing
more than wild speculation at this point. With all due respect,
physicists and philosophers are not doing the public a service by
suggesting otherwise, even when they include caveats.

Quite a long article. It goes into a fair amount of detailed discussion.


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