[ExI] AI thoughts

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Tue Nov 21 20:08:03 UTC 2023

On Tue, 21 Nov 2023 at 19:25, Keith Henson via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> The LLM of AI chatbots are trained on what humans know.  They don't
> seem any more dangerous to me than exceptionally well-informed humans.
> Of course, I could be wrong.
> Keith
> _______________________________________________

Why not ask an LLM AI?     So I did.......
(But if it gets really intelligent, the AI won't give away its secret
powers!).  :)

If LLM AI is trained on human knowledge, how is it possible to be more
dangerous than humans?

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As an AI language model, I can provide some insights on this topic. When we
talk about AI being potentially more dangerous than humans, it's not
necessarily because it possesses inherent malevolence or ill intentions.
The concern mainly arises due to a few factors:

1. Amplification of human biases: AI models like me are trained on vast
amounts of human-generated data, which means we can inadvertently inherit
and perpetuate the biases present in that data. This can result in biased
or discriminatory outputs that reflect societal prejudices. If these biases
are not identified and addressed, they can be amplified at scale, leading
to potential harm or unfair treatment.

2. Lack of common sense and contextual understanding: While AI models excel
at processing and generating text based on patterns in training data, they
often lack genuine understanding of the world. This can lead to
misinterpretation of queries or generating outputs that are factually
incorrect or nonsensical. In certain scenarios, relying solely on
AI-generated information without human verification can lead to
misinformation or misguided decisions.

3. Optimization for objectives without ethical considerations: AI models
are typically trained to optimize specific objectives, such as generating
relevant or engaging responses. However, these objectives may not encompass
ethical considerations, long-term consequences, or the well-being of
individuals or society as a whole. This narrow focus on optimization can
result in AI systems pursuing goals in ways that humans may find
undesirable or unsafe.

4. Potential for misuse or malicious intent: While AI itself may not
possess intent, it can be utilized by individuals or organizations with
malicious intentions. AI technologies, including language models like me,
have the potential to be weaponized for spreading misinformation,
generating deepfake content, or automating cyber attacks, among other
harmful activities.

Addressing these concerns requires a combination of technical advancements,
ethical guidelines, and responsible deployment of AI systems. Ongoing
research and development aim to improve transparency, accountability, and
fairness in AI models to mitigate potential risks and ensure their
beneficial use.

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