[ExI] teslas can tow

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Thu Oct 5 17:04:34 UTC 2023

...> On Behalf Of John Klos via extropy-chat

Cc: John Klos <john at ziaspace.com>
Subject: Re: [ExI] teslas can tow

>>... This is a model Y, marketed as a manly tow vehicle.  Now I believe:

>...Anything can tow, so long as the automakers don't make ridiculous design
decisions :)



Ah, the T-body chevette, OK, you win John.  {8^D

It was the lowest sticker price American made car in my misspent youth, with
its pow... its adeq... em... its engine, displacing a whop... a modes...
well... its pathetic paltry 1500 cc, smaller than many modern motorcycles,
it was one of the most common vehicles found in college parking lots.  

The embarrassing conveyances were found in college parking lots with
sun-rotted tires several years after their owners had graduated, removed the
plates and took a taxi to the local car dealer to purchase an actual car
with a dignified number of cylinders, but still.  

Many of us drove the little contraptions, or rode in them with friends out
of desperate economic need, because of an embarrassing temporary poverty
that had befallen our families for a few decades.  But that was then, and
besides I was one of the lucky ones who bought a 600 dollar worn-out '66
model Ford F-100.

The chevette had a bulletproof engine.  Assuming of course we are talking
about nerf bullets.  It would stand up to those.  Actual driving however...
it was a gamble.  Some kept running.  They kept running as the rest of the
worker-strike assembly lines of the 1970s did not.  They kept running as the
actual body of the car rusted through.  Apparently Detroit forgot how to
paint a car at some point in those benighted years.

But I digress cheerfully.  The Chevette brings back fond memories of bad
times spent with mostly happy teenagers.  Life sucked but we had fun anyway.
We were too stupid to realize it I suppose.

John thanks for the photo.  It brightened my day.


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