[ExI] project

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Sat Oct 7 03:58:54 UTC 2023




>…3 - you have run into something with your body or your vehicle while watching a girl…


bill w





Billw, I did exactly this, but in my flimsy defense, it happened only once.  I was looking at a girl while in the library, looooking at her, loooooookingBOOM.  I walked into a wall.


It was the girl I have been married to for nearly 40 years.


I was up in Spokane last week taking care of my father in law who had heart surgery.  On my way home, I stopped in at my former college, where the wall bashing took place, took a picture of the accident scene:



She was sitting at one of the tables off the right side of this photo when I smote the column with the fire extinguisher hanging on it, owwwww.  I was trolling along with my periscope up, gazing at that stunning creature at the time of impact.  A painful experience it was, but I became convinced after that day she was the one.


Let this be an object lesson to you single fellers: put one hand out in front while you scope out the object of your heart’s desire.



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