[ExI] earthquake prediction

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Fri Oct 20 05:09:04 UTC 2023

-----Original Message-----
From: spike at rainier66.com <spike at rainier66.com> 
> _______________________________________________

Oct 05, 2023
AI-Driven Earthquake Forecasting Shows Promise in Trials




To end this thread on a lighter (yet still most annoying) note: by sheer coincidence, the earthquake alert triggered yesterday by the (real) 5.7 epicentered 90 km NE of here happened the day before the authorities had already planned a drill designed to verify the new emergency alert system.  One might think that the occurrence of the real thing would suffice, resulting in cancellation of the drill.  But nooooooo...

The drill was planned for 10:19 a.m. today, but some yahoo somehow mistakenly programmed it to take place at 10:19 Zulu.

BillK, no one is blaming you, just because you happen to live on Zulu time, or Greenwich Mean Time if you prefer.  Not your fault, me lad.  You didn't invent the system, you just live there.

In any case, all three phones in my home began angrily honking urgent warnings to duck and cover at 3:19 a.m.  Like the Christmas guy in the poem, there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.  I became most annoyed, as well as flatly refusing to duck and cover, being as the urgent message was for a 5.0 earthquake (which is mere child's play) east of San Francisco, to happen seven hours in the future.  Weelllll shit.  Were they suggesting we stay ducked and covered the entire time until then?  Absurd.  

I failed to see the humor in the whole tech misadventure.


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