[ExI] How to solve the problem of being swallowed by a frog

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Tue Oct 24 00:13:41 UTC 2023

...> On Behalf Of BillK via extropy-chat
Subject: [ExI] How to solve the problem of being swallowed by a frog

Yes, this beetle runs out of a frog’s anus to survive being swallowed alive Jennifer Ouellette - 10/23/2023


>... this particular species of beetle said “You know, I bet there’s another way.” And it started walking. In fact, it walked through the frog’s digestive tract and out the back end.

>...Isn't nature wonderful?  :)



Now ya dunnit BillK.  Once you publicize this sorta thing, you know the adventurous yahoos will be devouring the beasts just to see what it feels like when they climb out their back ends.


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