[ExI] pun of the day

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Sat Sep 16 03:18:16 UTC 2023

-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Henson <hkeithhenson at gmail.com> 

>>... He once commented that he would estimate about a quarter to perhaps a third of attendees showed up drunk or stoned.  Or both.

>...Wow.  Never been to one of those, but the descriptions I have heard did not mention people showing up drunk or stoned...

Keith I have wondered if his estimate was too high because he himself is a brilliant guy (CalTech PhD in math) so his AA meetings were his first real world contact with real people.  To him, some sober but slow-witted people might appear stoned or drunk because of the contrast with his crowd.  In any such meeting, there would be those who were there because of a judge's orders (or perhaps spouse's orders) with no intentions of giving up their favorite chemical.

Another fun possibility: they went to AA to give up alcohol (doctor's orders) but the doctor didn't say anything about weed or crack.

>>... I am constantly reminded that I don’t live in the real world.

>...No kidding.


Hey, it’s the field I worked in for my entire career.  Back in the old days, one couldn't even get in the door if one was a stoner.  It was the nature of the biz.  Even on travel after work, office guys gather at a restaurant, I don't recall anyone ever having more than one drink.


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