[ExI] Criticisms of Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI)

efc at swisscows.email efc at swisscows.email
Wed Sep 27 13:05:07 UTC 2023

Hello Jason,

On Tue, 26 Sep 2023, Jason Resch via extropy-chat wrote:

>       On Mon, 25 Sep 2023, Jason Resch wrote:
>       >       > I believe Alain Aspect's experiments demonstrating the EPR (spooky action, and violation of Bell's
>       inequalities) have
>       >       been replicated
>       >       > numerous times. It just won the Nobel prize last year.
>       >
>       >       But spooky action is just one phenomenon. It does not tell us anything
>       >       about which interpretation is true, or even, if there are other
>       >       interpretations yet to be made up, etc.
>       >
>       > It tells us one thing quite clearly:
>       >
>       > If relativity is true (i.e., nothing can travel faster than light) then measurements do not have single outcomes (i.e.,
>       there are
>       > many worlds).
>       Well, I'd probably add "true as currently understood today".
> Perhaps both QM and Relativity are false. But if the only way for them to both be true is with MW.

Well, we only have four options here! ;) Time will tell!

>       Maybe the Bell inequalities is the part that needs restatement? Sounds
>       like a component in the logical chain that might or might not be
>       susceptible to rethinking or revisioning.
> It is a purely mathematical result, written as a mathematical proof. This video explains it
> well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OM0jSTeeBg
> You do not need any advanced math, (just counting and factions), to be able to work out the proof for yourself. This video, a bit
> longer, shows how anyone could do this themself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RiAxvb_qI4 and see there is no way to get the
> observed correlations using hidden variables. You either need instantaneous communication or, you must give up the idea that
> experiments/observations only have single outcomes.

Thank you Jason, added to the list.

>       > I didn't. Do you mean the extropolis list? I am not on it. Is it's archive online?
>       Yes, that's the one. The thread is called Leggetts inequality. Have a
>       look here:
>       https://groups.google.com/g/extropolis/c/5I_zuthYMWQ/m/S6eyeePtAAAJ .
> Thanks, it is interesting.

You're welcome!

>       > I have not read it. I think you are referring to "A New Kind of Science" ?
>       Yes, that's the one. 1280 pages!
> Maybe AI will kindly summarize it for us. ;-)

It sure did a nice job (I hope!). ;)

Best regards, 

> Jason

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