[ExI] New Boston Dynamics Atlas robot (now electric)

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Wed Apr 17 20:20:00 UTC 2024

Boston Dynamics' humanoid Atlas is dead, long live the ... new commercial Atlas

(includes 39-second video).
Atlas, the humanoid robot that's been a centerpiece of Boston
Dynamics' robot lineup for nearly a decade, has been retired.
In its place is, well, Atlas - an all-electric version designed for
commercial use.
Boston Dynamics announced the retirement of the hydraulic version of
Atlas (HD Atlas) in a video issued yesterday with no other explanation
A 39-second video showing the new all-electric Atlas appeared on YouTube today.
The all-electric Atlas was designed to be "stronger, more dexterous,
and more agile" than its hydraulic predecessors, but it's not
immediately clear whether it'll be capable of some of the physical
feats that the older model was capable of - such as backflips and
parkour - that might be better suited to hydraulics than electric
motors. Boston Dynamics told us it'll generally be "stronger and more
capable," and that it'll share more about the bot later this year.


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