[ExI] Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University has closed down

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Thu Apr 18 14:07:42 UTC 2024

Final Report of FHI History by Anders Sandberg.


Normally manifestos are written first, and then hopefully stimulate actors
to implement their vision. This
document is the reverse: an epitaph summarizing what the Future of Humanity
Institute was, what we
did and why, what we learned, and what we think comes next.

It can be seen as an oral history of FHI from some of its members. It will
not be unbiased, nor complete,
but hopefully a useful historical source. I have received input from other
people who worked at FHI, but
it is my perspective and others would no doubt place somewhat different
emphasis on the various
strands of FHI work.

On Thu, 18 Apr 2024 at 12:34, BillK <pharos at gmail.com> wrote:

> Established in 2005, initially for a 3-year period, the Future of
> Humanity Institute was a multidisciplinary research group at Oxford
> University.  It was founded by Prof Nick Bostrom.
> <https://www.futureofhumanityinstitute.org/>
> Quote:
> Over time FHI faced increasing administrative headwinds within the
> Faculty of Philosophy (the Institute’s organizational home).  Starting
> in 2020, the Faculty imposed a freeze on fundraising and hiring.  In
> late 2023, the Faculty of Philosophy decided that the contracts of the
> remaining FHI staff would not be renewed.  On 16 April 2024, the
> Institute was closed down.
> ---------------
> BillK
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