[ExI] When red-hot isn't enough - use magenta!

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Tue Apr 23 10:02:07 UTC 2024

When red-hot isn't enough: New government heat risk tool sets magenta
as most dangerous level.
by Seth Borenstein        April 23, 2024


Forget about red hot. A new color-coded heat warning system relies on
magenta to alert Americans to the most dangerous conditions they may
see this summer.

The National Weather Service and the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention on Monday—Earth Day—presented a new online heat risk system
that combines meteorological and medical risk factors with a seven-day
forecast that's simplified and color-coded for a warming world of
worsening heat waves.

Both the weather service and CDC will put versions of the tool on
their websites. Enter a ZIP code on the CDC dashboard to get more
focus on health risks and air quality and zoom in on the weather
service map online for more detailed forecasts and explanations.
Both versions include heat risk for the next seven days and there is a
Spanish edition.

The CDC site is https://www.cdc.gov/heatrisk and the weather service
version is https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/heatrisk/

In the UK, now we just want the rain to stop.
It has been a really wet winter, (though warmer than usual).


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