[ExI] Societal evolution

Nuala Thomson nuala.t at gmail.com
Wed Apr 24 14:20:49 UTC 2024

Please forgive me, this is the first thread I've ever started and it's
stemming from the last 2 days of training and alcohol.

I have started a new job, in a new location, in a new large company and
part of the induction and training is 'Cultural Awareness' as we operate on
the native people's land, alongside the indigenous people.
This is a part of Australia I have worked in previously (twice) and
absolutely loved the area and the indigenous, but only in the last 2 days
really learnt an in-depth history of the area.
To summarise; white people fucked this place up.
The messages I sent my mum go something like this; "... It sort of hit me
how society has evolved in literally my life. The generational trauma has
literally only just begun because these people were children at the start
of it ..."

The Aboriginal people here only got land rights in the last 15-20 years.
One of my favourite towns is only 50 years old.
The land was stolen and the indigenous population raped and massacred in my
When I was a child I wanted to be a fighter pilot. Women weren't allowed to
be fighter pilots until I was 20-something.
I have other memories that probably put me ahead of my era but that's not
the point.

We all know every 10 years technology makes a leap.
I theorise society does the same, and I would like confirmation or
I believe so solely on what I've learnt of this area of my country and what
has happened in my lifetime. Then I've put the technological advancements
alongside it, the safety upgrades in the workplace alongside it, the
societal expectations alongside it, the fashion choices alongside it.
I am of the thought that society evolves at the same rate as technology,
alongside it.

I might be late to the party, but I'm ok with that so long as I got there.

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