[ExI] AI-controlled fighter planes & race cars

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Wed Apr 24 18:59:29 UTC 2024

On Wed, 24 Apr 2024 at 15:25, <spike at rainier66.com> wrote:
> Oh this is soooo cool, thx BillK!
> This to me has so many possibilities for new engineering challenges.  The robot cars can be scaled down in size, enough to make the cars affordable for private racing teams.  Because of motorcycles and boats, we already have super high performance light weight compact low cost factory-produced engines, such as the ones on the Mercury 225 outboard motor and the Hayabusa 1.3 liter bike engine.  We can use those babies to produce racecars with a mass of perhaps 500 kg with the highest point a meter or perhaps even less, off the track.  We are freed from having to build around a human occupant which doesn't scale down.  We can also take bigger risks with the robot cars.  We could even create a factory which produces standard Hayabusa-driven racing frames, perhaps mass produce them for 40k or less.  You add your computer and software, and off to the races.  Ordinary university race teams could enter that, privateers, oh this could be big.
> spike

Maybe later,  :)     At present the cars have to be identical because
they are concentrating on training the AI drivers. Once they achieve
superhuman AI drivers that can be bought as an AI package, then
attention will turn to vehicle development.
Car chases in films will be really impressive!


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