[ExI] Are we all to busy chatting with AI?

Kelly Anderson postmowoods at gmail.com
Wed Dec 18 19:23:43 UTC 2024

Does it seem to anyone else that the list has less chatter than
previously? Is that because we're chatting with LLMs more than each

Perhaps AI will lead to the end of humanity by simply being more
interesting and polite than real people are, which might lead to a
lower reproductivity rate.

Anyone real listening?

As for consciousness, I personally feel like my consciousness comes in
part from the fact that I have an unending stream of thought. Yes,
there are breaks for sleep and such. But "being" me is a standing
wave. If we have an AI agent that goes in continuous loops, it seems
more likely that consciousness could potentially arise. We are
currently in the batch processing mode of AI, ask a question, get an
answer. As AIs evolve towards agents that run without stopping, it
seems to be that is a step closer to what I experience personally.


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