[ExI] Will advancing AI hinder or help online discussion groups?

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Mon Dec 23 12:07:46 UTC 2024

I was wondering how AI could affect discussion groups.

AI could act as a powerful research assistant and provide information
and possible problem solutions.
Though at present we still have to check AI for'hallucinations' and errors.

The disadvantages that I see are that people might become too reliant
on AI and assume that 'AI knows best' and reduce their own critical
thinking skills. And people could become intimidated by the apparent
knowledge and reasoning power of AI and reduce their own contribution
to discussions.

In theory, AI could be a big help in discussions and problem-solving.
But AI is becoming more powerful every month. People will find it more
and more difficult to criticise an AI response. When faced with having
to do hours of work to research and find reasons to oppose an AI
comment, many busy people will just opt out of the discussion.

So will AI kill discussions? Will it make us *less* social?


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