[ExI] Do you have a secret family pass phrase?

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Wed Dec 25 12:03:43 UTC 2024

It only takes three seconds of audio content for AI to clone someone’s
voice. And one call from a scammer to trick you into thinking a
‘friend’ needs money.
Scammers will often use a method called spoofing, which is when they
make a call or text look like it’s coming from someone you know.
AI is making it too easy to fake videos, phone calls or texts.


You need to create a secret password with your family
written by Elijah       December 25, 2024

There have been increasing calls for people, and particularly
families, to create passphrases or passwords for each other. In early
December, the FBI issued a recommendation that people create a “secret
word or phrase with their family to verify their identity,” and
British bank Starling has also published guidelines on how to create
safe phrases with other people. It’s a simple, if not new, approach
that can be potentially effective. For example, if you receive a
message or call from your “son” or “daughter” urgently asking for
money to get out of a tight spot, asking them to provide a previously
agreed-upon passphrase can reveal whether it is really them.

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