[ExI] Interview with an ex-OpenAI exec and futurist about AI in 2025 and beyond

Darin Sunley dsunley at gmail.com
Fri Dec 27 02:51:57 UTC 2024

" The low-resource bad actor problem is a risk. In a world where we
embolden anyone to do interesting things with this technology, we
should create very punitive measures to police bad acting with it. We
should make bad actors terrified to use <technology> to do bad things..."

This precise conversation occurred when VCRs were invented. The net result
was the various law enforcement agencies declaring, at the behest of the
billionaire donor class heavily invested in Hollywood film studios, that
making copies of movies was a new kind of crime against humanity
significantly worse than mere murder, billions of man-hours wasted sitting
through unskippable FBI warnings on video tapes and DVDs, and no meaningful
impact on the number of bootleg movies being sold on the streets of New
york, not to even mention Hong Kong or Mumbai.

History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme.

On Thu, Dec 26, 2024 at 2:47 PM BillK via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> An ex-OpenAI exec and futurist talks about AI in 2025 and beyond
> AI could bring some real benefits next year, but also some unforeseen
> side effects.
> By Mark Sullivan    12-26-2024
> <
> https://www.fastcompany.com/91252463/an-ex-openai-exec-and-futurist-talks-about-ai-in-2025-and-beyond
> >
> Quotes:
> This week, I’m dedicating the newsletter to a conversation I had
> recently with the futurist Zack Kass about some of the risks and myths
> that will come with the advent of AI across business and society.
> More likely is that, at some point, a percentage of the population
> will be more interested in the virtual reality than the physical one,
> and that percentage may grow and actually become sort of dominant,
> which would obviously be catastrophic for population growth and
> quality of life.
> If you can actually figure out how to automate everything and the cost
> of everything declines so far that you can live freely, it’s more that
> people may not know what their purpose is in a world where their work
> changes so frequently and so much.
> The low-resource bad actor problem is a risk. In a world where we
> embolden anyone to do interesting things with this technology, we
> should create very punitive measures to police bad acting with it. We
> should make bad actors terrified to use AI to do bad things—financial
> crime, deepfakes, etc.
> ----------------
> An interesting discussion from an AI insider.
> BillK
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