[ExI] very asian gold box?

Darin Sunley dsunley at gmail.com
Sat Dec 28 21:38:03 UTC 2024

The Goldberg Variations are a set of compositions by JD Bach.

Hofstadter, as is his won't, is being clever.

On Sat, Dec 28, 2024, 2:34 PM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> There are many fans of Hofstader’s Eternal Golden Braid here as I recall.
> I noted to a young friend that it is the most letter-perfect book I have
> ever read, as I don’t recall seeing a single typo in it.  He found two, and
> I found a third, right together on page 404:
> Tortoise: Now whatver has come over you, Achilles?  Well, thank you for
> your outstandig generosity, and I hope you have sweet dreams about the
> strange Golbach Conjecture, and its Variation.  Good night.
> The same sentence has omitted three letters, the e in whatever, the n in
> outstanding, and the d in Goldbach.  It is on page 404.  So e, n, d are
> missing, all in the same sentence.  Are there any computer jockeys here who
> can suggest reasons why Hofstadter would have omitted e, n, d?
> Please also, what is the Variation of Goldbach’s conjecture?
> spike
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