[ExI] Sex robots go to court

Kelly Anderson postmowoods at gmail.com
Mon Feb 5 06:23:47 UTC 2024

If pedophiles are essentially "untreatable", then why would society
remove a method for them to deal with their predilections without
harming actual children? This makes little sense to me. I also like
the idea of the Catholic church paying the development costs for such
an appliance as part of their recompense to the world. I'd sure rather
have the pedophiles play with dolls of some kind than fucking up kid's

If you forced people to register in order to have access to such toys,
then at least we know who to go after when the neighborhood kids start
having problems or go missing.


On Mon, Jan 29, 2024 at 6:42 AM BillK via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> Sex robots go to court: Testing the limits of privacy and sexual freedom
> by Jonathan Turley, 27 Jan 2024
> <https://thehill.com/opinion/technology/4432313-sex-robots-go-to-court-testing-the-limits-of-privacy-and-sexual-freedom/>
> Quotes:
> From a legal perspective, these sex robots are nothing more than a
> ramped up toaster with a fetching name. Even the term “brothel” can be
> challenged. In Paris, a sex doll brothel was opened and licensed as a
> “game center.” The analogy is based on the fact that bots, in the view
> of customers, are simply machines designed for recreation.
> The bots remove the alleged victim in these scenarios. No one is being
> directly harmed when someone has relations with what is essentially an
> advanced appliance.
> This issue becomes far more difficult, however, when the bots are
> designed to resemble children. Such devices have already been banned
> in some countries, including recently in the U.S.
> In the absence of a direct victim, we are left with a pure moral or
> social judgment on the private tastes and relations of adults.
> In the series “Westworld,” “host” Annie asked a reluctant guest “if
> you can’t tell the difference, does it matter if I’m real or not?”
> Legally, the answer is no. But as that difference erodes, the question
> as to whether it matters to others will grow.
> -----------------
> It looks like we are in for a season of moral panic, like back in the
> 60s when the pill became available and 'sexual freedom' became
> fashionable.
> Until AIDs and STDs made people reconsider. No STDs with robots, though.
> BillK
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