[ExI] Top Soil Depletion

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Sat Feb 10 16:52:57 UTC 2024

-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of
BillK via extropy-chat
>...Top soil depletion is a longer term issue, decades in the future.
So we hope that we can leave that problem for future generations to face.
That might be a big mistake, if we fail to deal with our own more immediate
Can we pass all the environmental issues on to future generations?


BillK, we are dealing with those kinds of problems and solving them for
future generations, in a sense.  We are modifying cultural norms away from
traditional family life and reproduction.  That means future generations are
likely to be smaller.  Fewer people means lower reliance on topsoil, on
energy resources, on... well... OK, doesn't work for snow skiing:

>...And when my winter ski holiday is facing a lack of snow on the best
runs, it is getting serious! :)...

Well OK, having fewer people doesn't solve that particular problem.  It
might make it worse: fewer willing to operate the lodge and bring you
apres-ski relaxation, the tea and buttered scones (or crumpets (apologies
sir, I am not up to speed on British terminology (you lads don't really
speak proper American over there, ja?  (it's more "English" spoken in

I have a vision of a sustainable world, with fewer but better-cared-for and
wealthier proles, perhaps a couple billion in sustainable equilibrium,
well-educated proles living comfortable, healthy, well-fed lives.  We often
think of the term proles as uneducated and poor, but if you read Orwell's
book, not necessarily.  Our middle and upper class people are proles.


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