[ExI] uploads and mariachi bands

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Mon Feb 12 16:19:22 UTC 2024



Keith your commentary on uploads has my wheels spinning.  I like it when my
wheels spin.


Yesterday I was at Berkeley for a Science Olympiad tournament.  It attracted
the kind of high school students who care more about science than the
football tournament yesterday, which has become a national cultural
celebration of a child's war-simulating terrain acquisition game.  (Football
fans, don't jump me, I am just poking a little fun at the non-nerd crowd
(sheesh, sensa huma.))


It was a beautiful sunny spring day, birds chirping, trees in bloom.  A
mariachi band was strumming and the caballero finding young couples and
singing love songs to the likely bride to be (or considering this is a
college campus, the likely temporary bed partner (sheesh sensa huma.))


I followed the music group and listened to the songs.  I know only a little
Spanish, typical of anyone who has lived for decades in California, but
enough to understand what the singer is doing: simple beautiful sincere
melodies about how he feels about his sweetheart.


I am nowhere anywhere on the sexual preference spectrum, or if so, waaaaay
the hell over on the ultra-hetero end of it, completely outta sight of
anything else.  But listening to this guy sing about how he feels about his
senorita, the most beautiful woman in the world and how he loves her with
all his heart (and so on as the guitars strum behind him and the trumpets so
on) oh my goodness, even I, EVEN I. was getting a boner, just listening to
this guy and my bride wasn't even there.  Of course I watched the young lady
where he was singing to a couple, and she melted in a gooey sweet puddle.
Of course she took her sweetheart immediately back to her dorm room.  Hey,
we were humans first, before becoming geeks second.  


There is a good explanation for why there are so many people south of the
Rio Grande: Spanish a great language for that kind of thing, way better than


My point, one which I will expand on later (I gotta scoot, load the SciOly
equipment in my truck back into the storage area) is that we should think
about experiences like mine at Berkeley yesterday when we discuss uploading.


For instance. what if. I upload, and realize I never have experiences like
one I remember with crystal vision, the way I felt in Feb 2024 at Berkeley,
listening to a mariachi band musically seduce young ladies into situations
where a next generation of meat-being is given a chance to come into
existence?  Regardless of how good that uploaded existence is, Imagine I
miss that Berkeley mariachi feeling so much, I want to see to it that the
feelings I had yesterday are given a chance to be felt again, into the
future, indefinitely.



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