[ExI] Top Soil Depletion

Tom Nowell nebathenemi at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Feb 12 17:28:12 UTC 2024

 Regarding Kelly's original point, yes people have thought seriously about it. My local library had in a copy of "
Sixty Harvests Left: How to Reach a Nature-Friendly Future" by Philip Limbery. There are people deeply concerned by topsoil depletion, but like so many other crises that are decades from being critical, they don't register as a mainstream political or news interest.
 Hey, so you're using policies that will turn your entire nation into a repeat of the great dustbowl - maybe there'll be somewhere on the planet we can all be Okies together and live out the John Steinbeck character experience?
Yours,Tom, living in the UK and also concerned about the AMOC collapsing and wrecking the climate of his nation.
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