[ExI] Early Archives... Re: Yudkowsky ‘Humanity’s remaining timeline? It looks more like five years than 50’

Max More max at maxmore.com
Thu Feb 22 17:47:09 UTC 2024

As it turns out, I had already copied the floppy discs with the list archives to my computer (and to a separate backup). I do own a floppy disc drive – bought to transfer the Extropy Institute material. It simply plugs into my computer with a USB.

Harvey Newstrom – if he's still in Florida, he might want to come to the Cryonics Summit in his area. Spike, do you have a current email address for him?
July 20/21: https://www.globalcryonicssummit.com/
I hope to see some of you there. Lots of good speakers.

Bringing together the global cryonics field including leaders, researchers, and members.

From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> on behalf of spike jones via extropy-chat <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2024 10:10 AM
To: 'ExI chat list' <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Cc: spike at rainier66.com <spike at rainier66.com>
Subject: Re: [ExI] Early Archives... Re: Yudkowsky ‘Humanity’s remaining timeline? It looks more like five years than 50’

-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of MB via extropy-chat
Sent: Thursday, 22 February, 2024 8:35 AM
To: ExI chat list <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Cc: MB <mbb386 at main.nc.us>
Subject: Re: [ExI] Early Archives... Re: Yudkowsky ‘Humanity’s remaining timeline? It looks more like five years than 50’

Thank you all for considering archiving.  Best to get things moved to more up-to-date media before it is impossible to read floppies - I mean, who has a floppy drive?  How to attach it to a modern system? (Not to mention, is bit-rot still "a thing"?)

We're always going on here about "loss" when someone dies.  When a list (or big part of it) dies, that can be a major loss too...  Robert Bradbury, Sasha, Zero, Damein, Barbara, Eugene, Waldemar, Greg, Mike, Harvey .......... and what ever happened to EvMick?


Hi MB,

I had an offlist discussion with EvMick some time ago, and I do apologize I don't recall the time frame, other than it was looooong ago now, before my son was born so at least 17 years.  He mentioned he was having some health challenges.  Then... no more from him.  I miss that guy too.  Thanks for mentioning the other stars.

Regarding Greg Burch, he moved to China where he was doing legal consulting for American businesses based there in around... not quite sure but my son was already born, so in I would estimate before about 2012 but after about 2007, Anders came and was staying at my house.  We managed to find a phone number for him and spoke.  At some point I heard he moved back to Texas, but I don't know if he is kiting back and forth or what was the deal with him.

Regarding Anders, he is at Cambridge, consulting, writing, serving as the British Royal Smart Person, generally Anders being Anders.  He is still working with Nick Bostrom and the K. Eric last I heard from him which has been a coupla years now.

Harvey Newstrom: alive and well, living in Florida, hasn't lost his sensa huma one bit.  I exchanged greetings with him a coupla months ago.  Damien and Barbara became concubines after Damien moved to Texas.  Last I heard from him has been about 4 yrs ago.  Barbara was doing OK then as I recall, Damien was having some challenges, eyesight I think he mentioned.

Mike was a biggie in the New Hampshuh Libertarian party last I heard, but that has been a loooong time ago.  I got a coupla replies from him in about 2005 (but he was still generally pissed off at us (over that unfortunate flame war (which we the old timers may recall (although I prefer to think of myself as a middle-aged timer thanks (well OK then, early geezerhood timer))))))

Eugene Leitl: welcomed a new child about the same time I did.  We exchanged notes about 10 yrs ago was the last time I heard from him.  I would be extremely pleased if someone could find him again.  I invited him to drop in at ExI just to say hello to old friends, but as far as I know he never did.

Most of us have heard where Julian Assange is located these days, oy vey.  Comments or observations welcome.

Hal Finney passed nearly ten years ago, oy.  I would place that man right up there with Anders in the world championship biathlon combining the two events of smart and kindhearted.  What a guy he was.  Such a loss to humanity when we lost him.

Robert's memorial site is still up last I checked, and no I haven't picked up where he left off and yes I still think my concerns regarding thermal regulation of a Matrioshka Brain are valid, even though he strenuously disagreed.  He never showed me a calculation or an alternative mathematical model to refute my Bessel function approach, even though I have low confidence my own model is valid on that.  I haven't worked on it since he passed away, which has been thirteen years now, sheesh.  Seems like yesterday that shock hit us.


If that isn't shocking enough, it has been nearly 24 years since the Grim Reaper took Sasha from us, dang.  Does it seem like much more recent to you too?

I don't know for Zero or Waldemar.  Anyone in contact with any of the above?  Do invite them to swing by or drop in, along with Eliezer.


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