[ExI] Fully Automated Luxury Communism

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Sat Feb 24 10:46:26 UTC 2024

On Sat, 24 Feb 2024 at 05:40, Kelly Anderson via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> Anyone here read Fully Automated Luxury Communism yet? Is it worth the
> time? It would seem to be up our alley.
> -Kelly
> _______________________________________________

Many reviews here:-

AI Book Summary-

*Fully Automated Luxury Communism Summary:*

"Fully Automated Luxury Communism" by Aaron Bastani envisions a future
where technological advancements pave the way for a post-capitalist society
characterized by abundance and leisure for all individuals. The book
explores how automation, artificial intelligence, and other innovations
could revolutionize the world and usher in an era of unprecedented

   1. *Key Takeaway 1: Automation and Post-Work Society*
      - Bastani argues that automation has the potential to eliminate the
      need for most forms of human labor, leading to a future where work is no
      longer a central aspect of life.
      - This shift towards a post-work society could enable individuals to
      pursue creative endeavors, personal interests, and leisure activities,
      fundamentally altering the way we perceive and engage with work.
   2. *Key Takeaway 2: Abundance and Resource Distribution*
      - Through the lens of fully automated luxury communism, the book
      highlights the possibility of abundant resources and a more equitable
      distribution of wealth and goods.
      - Advancements in technology could make it possible to provide for
      the needs of all individuals, ensuring access to quality healthcare,
      education, food, and housing without the constraints of scarcity.
   3. *Key Takeaway 3: Technological Innovation and Climate Change*
      - Bastani emphasizes the role of technology in addressing pressing
      global challenges, such as climate change and environmental degradation.
      - By harnessing innovation and sustainable practices, a fully
      automated luxury communist society could prioritize environmental
      preservation and create a more sustainable future for generations to come.
   4. *Key Takeaway 4: Political and Economic Transformation*
      - The book delves into the implications of transitioning from
      capitalism to a new socio-economic system based on principles of
      equality, and automation.
      - This shift would require reimagining existing power structures,
      redefining notions of ownership and property, and fostering cooperative
      relationships among individuals and communities.
   5. *Key Takeaway 5: Utopian Vision and Criticisms*
      - While presenting a utopian vision of a fully automated luxury
      communist society, Bastani also acknowledges criticisms and challenges
      associated with realizing such a future.
      - Questions about governance, human agency, cultural values, and the
      role of technology in shaping society are raised, inviting readers to
      critically engage with the possibilities and limitations of the proposed

*Overall, "Fully Automated Luxury Communism" invites readers to contemplate
a future where technology, abundance, and social cooperation converge to
create a more equitable and sustainable world. By challenging traditional
notions of work, wealth distribution, and progress, the book inspires
discussions about alternative models of society and the transformative
potential of emerging technologies in shaping our collective future.*

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