[ExI] ‘Baby AGI’ could be a reality in early 2025

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 11:07:11 UTC 2024

‘Baby AGI’ could be a reality in early 2025: SingularityNET founder
The “complete toolset” to making the precursor to a fully functioning
Artificial General Intelligence might be only about a year away, says
Ben Goertzel.
Andrew Fenton    27 Feb 2024


An early prototype framework for Artificial General Intelligence could
be operating as early as next year, SingularityNET founder Ben
Goertzel believes.

Speaking at the opening of the Beneficial AGI Summit in Panama on Feb.
27, Goertzel — who popularized the term AGI — laid out a blueprint for
its development to ensure AGI isn’t controlled by corporations or
governments and will help humanity rather than harm it.
While he says these benefits outweigh the risks, AGI could still go
wrong in a number of ways.

He outlined some of those risks in his address, including China and
the United States developing “super AGI whose goal is to clobber the
other guy” or an unethical rollout of AGI that only benefits the
global elite and makes the poor even poorer.
“I also don’t think we can totally confidently rule out anything
because we’re going into fundamentally unknown territory,” he said.


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