[ExI] A Paranormal Prediction

MB mbb386 at main.nc.us
Wed Jan 3 14:03:34 UTC 2024

Before the Ad hominum & political rant list was formed I decided for my
own peace of mind to block posts from John as he never seemed to stop,
even after repeated requests.  Unfortunately blocking didn't help much
since many of his posts were quoted and responded to.

I know people in Real Life like that and I avoid seeing them as much as
possible. The internet is full of that kind of thing. I do not understand
why it seems impossible online for people to refrain from responding to
trolls, and that was how I began to view John's posts.  So tiresome.


On Wed, January 3, 2024 08:51, efc--- via extropy-chat wrote:
> Hello spike,
> On Tue, 2 Jan 2024, Gregory Jones via extropy-chat wrote:
>> Political discussion is ok if you must.  John was repeatedly,
>> persistently warned about personal attacks.  We urge mutual respect
>> here.  On his list anything goes, ad hominem attacks are allowed and
>> expected.  This is fine so long as you know about that.  Any
> Oh yes, I have seen that and I don't enjoy the political ranting and
> discussion climate one bit. So good that it is not allowed here I
> endorse that policy!
> Best regards,
> Daniel
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