[ExI] An expert explains ‘mind uploading’

Samantha sjatkins at protonmail.com
Thu Jan 4 08:41:33 UTC 2024

We have been beating this particular horse for at least three decades 
that I know of.

What is a "computer"?  Seriously, is it reasonable to label as 
"computer" with its connotations today whatever substrate can contain a 
human mind or perhaps several?    Is that label a device to cast shade 
on the possibility from the beginning?

What if you have machine phase nanotech and rod-logic hyper tiny 
computers through your brain that simply take over more and more of the 
functioning of your brain over time.  Is that still you?

Are you still you when you are knocked out for surgery and then find 
yourself apparently back in reality and in apparently your same body?  
What if you were instead in a coma for years?     Or if part of your 
brain was damaged and replaced with future tech?

What is this "you" in the first place?  Have you inquired into it much?

All of these arguments and more we have discussed many times and 
entertained ourselves with their slipperiness to come to firm 
conclusions by head tripping about it.

What can we simply build and what can we change in ourselves to perhaps 
get us closer to being able to try it?

- samantha

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