[ExI] An expert explains ‘mind uploading’

Jason Resch jasonresch at gmail.com
Thu Jan 4 15:22:56 UTC 2024

On Thu, Jan 4, 2024, 7:06 AM BillK via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> On Thu, 4 Jan 2024 at 08:44, Samantha via extropy-chat
> <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> >
> > We have been beating this particular horse for at least three decades
> that I know of.
> >
> > What is a "computer"?  Seriously, is it reasonable to label as
> "computer" with its connotations today whatever substrate can contain a
> human mind or perhaps several?    Is that label a device to cast shade on
> the possibility from the beginning?
> >
> > What if you have machine phase nanotech and rod-logic hyper tiny
> computers through your brain that simply take over more and more of the
> functioning of your brain over time.  Is that still you?
> >
> > Are you still you when you are knocked out for surgery and then find
> yourself apparently back in reality and in apparently your same body?  What
> if you were instead in a coma for years?     Or if part of your brain was
> damaged and replaced with future tech?
> >
> > What is this "you" in the first place?  Have you inquired into it much?
> >
> > All of these arguments and more we have discussed many times and
> entertained ourselves with their slipperiness to come to firm conclusions
> by head tripping about it.
> >
> > What can we simply build and what can we change in ourselves to perhaps
> get us closer to being able to try it?
> >
> > - samantha
> > _______________________________________________
> Hi Samantha
> Yes, I agree, but from 30 years ago, some people have left and new
> people have joined Exi-chat.
> Since ChatGPT LLM was released last year, the idea of AI has spread
> rapidly. Mostly to younger people who are now meeting these weird
> ideas for the first time. The uploading article shows that what was
> once a niche discussion in the 1990s is now acceptable to be discussed
> in polite company.  :)

There's even a TV series called 'Upload':



> The hope is that AI will assist humans in the design of much that was
> discussed here in 1990-2010.
> (Not forgetting the arrival of AGI and the Singularity).  :)
> BillK
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