[ExI] being special

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 6 18:52:24 UTC 2024

Who doesn't want that? Curmudgeons.    (who might be proud of being in a
group of such).

Increased communication and involvement in world trade has threatened
people who think that their culture is in danger of being overwhelmed.  So
they become more nationalistic and fucused on their own group.

But there is still variation within any group, so splits occur ("We are the

Religions/churches and countries are splitting to decrease the variation.
Openness is condemned as heresy ("If they act that way, talk that way,
dance that way, etc. they are not one of us.")

There is indeed comfort to be had in groups:  families, churches, clubs,
schools, sports groups and so on.

Along with all this is the realization that what is lacking in most cases
is tolerance.  Acceptance of the different as neutral or even occasionally
desirable as entertainment (a nonJew joining in the hora at a Jewish
wedding) does occur.

When so many other people and groups exist that are different, how can
tolerance occur?  After all, some of these individuals and groups are
regarded as enemies or at least as possessing the capability of becoming
so.  Fears lead to paranoia and withdrawal.  Which can lead to
overgeneralization ("They are all alike.") or discrimination ("They have no
right to be treated as special.")

All of this is clearcut black/white thinking.  No middle ground.  With us
or against us -you have to choose.  Or be isolated.

bill w
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