[ExI] Open Individualism

Jason Resch jasonresch at gmail.com
Mon Jan 8 00:13:05 UTC 2024

On Sun, Jan 7, 2024 at 4:56 PM William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> If a person is someone who can have more than one experience, then what
> determines the set of experiences that person will ultimately have?
> I have to say that I do not understand the question.  The  only real
> answer is:  who they see, what they read, where they go, what they believe,
> and dozens more.  bill w
The topic is rather subtle and easy to miss unless one is faced with the
right kinds of problems. I might suggest reviewing the questions and
situations presented in a thead with Ben, for examples of what the problems
personal identity theories concern themselves with.

Here is the thread I am referencing:

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