[ExI] Do you fancy a date with a bot? Really???

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 14 19:07:30 UTC 2024

ADrian, from your comment you have no understanding of why men view porn in
any form - internet, magazines, strip clubs, etc.  None of them are

Spike, why do you have to go anywhere?Just sit on your couch and listen.
You might find, if you run a contest for sexy voices, that voice and looks
won't go together very often.  Are you thinking about radio or voiceover?
(come to think about it, I
don't recall hearing a husky alto voice on TV - it would have to be alto, I
think - soprano voices irritate me, esp. if they talk fast).  bill w

On Sun, Jan 14, 2024 at 12:26 PM Adrian Tymes via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 14, 2024 at 9:56 AM spike jones via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> That voice!  I soooo have the hot bananas for her!  With a voice like
>> that, she just hasta be a stunning dish, ja?  And even if she isn’t, no
>> problem, just turn off the lights and ask her what to do next.  If you
>> don’t do it right, no worries, she will not complain, she will not be
>> judgmental, she will just make a new plan and turn you on suggesting it.
>> Billw, what’s not to like, me lad?  Of course men fall for that kinda
>> deal, of COURSE we do.  It’s evolutionary psychology at its best.
> Doesn't apply.   You know she will never be capable of copulation or
> reproduction in the biological sense.  Potential to mate with her is zero.
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