[ExI] A Paranormal Prediction

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 14 19:09:59 UTC 2024

 people seem to be deeply resistant to understanding that they have deep
psychological traits.Keith

Where did this idea get started?  bill w

On Sun, Jan 14, 2024 at 10:50 AM spike jones via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Keith Henson <hkeithhenson at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [ExI] A Paranormal Prediction
> >>..."Political discussion is ok if you must."
> >...What is of much more interest to me is the meta-level.
> Something I noticed decades back was the connection between economics and
> politics.  There was an upswing (particularly in the Rust Belt) in neo nazi
> activity with every downturn in the economy.  Eventually, I figured out
> that this is a human reaction to the perception of a bleak future.  In the
> Stone Age, we were selected to circulate xenophobic memes as the first step
> in dehumanizing neighbors in preparation for killing them for their
> resources in a resource crisis.
> Support for crazy leaders is part of the package
> Unfortunately, this is too complicated an idea to spread well even here.
> Plus people seem to be deeply resistant to understanding that they have
> deep psychological traits.
> Keith
> Keith I left your entire comment in there because it is so well-written.
> In the USA, we have elections for the head of the executive branch, an
> office in which we invest far more interest and imagine its importance to
> be far beyond what it really is.
> Every four years we have in imaginary or symbolic war, where we choose our
> champions to participate in a play fight where we imagine the outcome of
> the debate is somehow relevant.
> Every four years, we have an incumbent party struggling to convince the
> voters how good they have it, while the challenger party struggles to
> convince the voters how bleak is their future if the current course is
> held.  The bleak future scenario triggers the fight-meme identified by
> evolutionary psychology.
> In the USA and to some extent the world, we are immersed in a culture war,
> which is really distracting us from the real struggle: figuring out how we
> are going to deal with the rise of AI.  We still don't know.  We are
> distracted by the play-war being waged between big personalities and
> imagining that it matters which one wins.  Meanwhile, AI continues to
> develop, and we humans still don't know how to deal with it.
> spike
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