[ExI] Open Individualism

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 15 14:14:53 UTC 2024

In Russia (I think) trials were made with the farm land being owned.
Production was significantly better than state owned. So why doesn't that
spread?  It means more money for the oligarchy.  May it is - news from
there is scant and unreliable.   billw

On Mon, Jan 15, 2024 at 3:52 AM efc--- via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> On Sun, 14 Jan 2024, spike at rainier66.com wrote:
> > Daniel, the most hard core capitalists are always those who have lived
> under
> > and witnessed communism.
> Hello spike, that makes a lot of sense. I grew up under swedish
> "velvet"-socialism (a very soft form of socialism) and I'm a "soft"
> capitalist. ;)
> So I guess the harder your "ism" the more ingrained is the lessons that
> it doesn't work, and the more pro-markets you become.
> Although... looking at older people at the bottom of the social ladder
> here in eastern europe where I reside, some of them do tend to look back
> with longing to the "good old USSR days".
> The reason for that, as explained to me, is that in those days, the only
> thing you needed to do to keep your job was to show up at work and not
> be too drunk. You didn't actually have to do that much to get your
> salary and you got your apartment. You did not have to make any major
> decision in your life, the government did that for you. And with
> capicalism all of a sudden they must work hard, for very little money,
> so I can definitely understand why they look back with longing to those
> days even though it would be disaster for society at large (as proven
> every single time a country opts for communism or socialism).
> Best regards,
> Daniel
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