[ExI] Fwd: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

John Klos john at ziaspace.com
Tue Jan 16 01:42:28 UTC 2024


> Thank you very much John, I will pass this on to my provider. I am curious 
> though, why the provider hasn't already made the change.

I doubt they get much feedback about this kind of thing.

> Is this setup that you are referring to standard? Or is it a strict 
> interpretation of the standard, and other might have a less trict, and that 
> is why this email provider gets through to some but not to others?

You are precisely correct: in the interest of protecting us from spammers, 
I've made rules that are more strict in enforcing the standards than most 
mail servers would be.

> I guess what I'm thinking is that would it be possible for you to "loosen" 
> the configuration? Note that I am definitely not asking you too, I am just 
> curious.

I've done exactly that: I've update the message to be more general, plus 
I've changed the error returned from a permanent error (in other words, 
don't try again) to a transient error(in other words, it's a temporary 
issue, so please try again soon).

> For now, I'll happily pass that on to the SP and then we'll see if this stops 
> happening. Thank you very much for the trouble of digging through the logs! 
> =)

No problem! If there's any group of people who can appreciate both sides 
of the issue, it's us. We want things to just work, but at the same time I 
think most of us can recognize the danger in simply conceding control of 
literally everything to big companies like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, et 

I'm happy to help, particularly when helping to make smaller mail services 
work better in the long run.


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