[ExI] robot makes dinner

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Wed Jan 17 11:47:00 UTC 2024

On Wed, 17 Jan 2024 at 10:07, efc--- via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> Hello spike, I'm sorry to disappoint but for those who want a bit more in
> depth information I stumbled upon this link today:
> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39022996
> " This is in teleoperated, not autonomous mode. Training data is collected
> while teleoperating. That robot can do some things autonomously, but not
> anything like the whole meal task.
> The Github repository is more useful.[1] That separates autonomous from
> teleoperated mode. Also, there's video at 1x speed. This thing is actually
> very slow in autonomous mode.
> It's real progress, but the hype exceeds the results.
> [1] https://tonyzhaozh.github.io/aloha/"
> I was hoping it was autonomous, but looked way too good to be true. =(
> Best regards, Daniel

I don't think it is being over-hyped.
Look at what it is. Two Stanford students (plus an advisor) have
cobbled some kit together to make a robot for a fraction of the cost
of big company robots. They have created teleoperated training,
again for a fraction of the cost of training commercial robots.
And the training is far quicker than large database training methods.
And finally, this experimental model actually works!

This is the Model T Ford proof-of-concept version.
Everything from now on is optimisation and getting it into production.

Spike's dream of a sex robot that also cooks dinner is just over the
horizon!  ;)


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