[ExI] Fwd: Open Individualism

Ben Zaiboc ben at zaiboc.net
Fri Jan 19 11:00:10 UTC 2024

On 18/01/2024 16:06, Jason Resch wrote:
>     Ben Wrote: From what I can see, none of what you claim about Open
>     Individualism is based on scientific principles, 
> It corresponds to thought experiments (i.e., logic and rationality 
> better than the alternatives). It corresponds to Occam's razor better 
> than the alternatives, as it makes fewer assumptions, it corresponds 
> to laws of probability better than the alternatives, which are 
> exceedingly improbable compared to it. You can keep repeating to 
> yourself that it's not scientific, and continue to ignore the thought 
> experiments I've provided which demonstrate it's truth, however, if 
> that makes you feel better.

That might be the best course. Your thought experiments don't make any 
sense to me, and apart from making some people feel better about their 
lives, I still see no practical use of the idea, or any way to prove or 
disprove it.


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