[ExI] Upload/Download (was: Re: Fwd: Open Individualism)

Keith Henson hkeithhenson at gmail.com
Sun Jan 21 03:49:32 UTC 2024

On Thu, Jan 18, 2024 at 3:51 AM Ben Zaiboc via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> Keith Henson said:
>  >> I suspect that people will prefer the uploaded state, but I also
> suspect that people will save bodies.
> Jason Resch said:
>  > Yes, I think there will still be many reasons for interfacing with
> the external world.
> That remark seems to imply you think that uploads would not interface
> with the external world. I don't see why they wouldn't, and I'd
> certainly expect they'd be able to if they wanted.

It depends on how much the uploads speed up.  Interacting with the
external world would just not work for an upload running much faster
than real time.


> If nothing else, uploads should be able to maintain their own hardware.
> If you were an upload, would you want to entrust the care and
> maintenance of your hardware to biological beings? That will probably be
> the case at first, but in the long run, we don't want to depend on
> beings that can be disabled or destroyed so easily. It would be ironic
> if civilisation was wiped out by a disease, say, in spite of a good part
> of it being resistant to the disease!
> Ben
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