[ExI] [Extropolis] Old and new futurisms in Silicon Valley

Giulio Prisco giulio at gmail.com
Sun Jan 21 16:57:34 UTC 2024

<… don't think it's very important if Biden is not good…>

This foreign observer apologizes for talking too much about U.S. politics
and hopes not to be seen as disrespectful. It is your country, your
elections, and your President. Having said that, I don’t dislike Biden at
all. I think he is a good man and a decent President. If anything, I see
him as an anchor to sanity for his party, a large part of which has become
insane. And *this* is the problem. Again, sorry.

<I also think It would be a good idea if people were allowed to vote for
more than one person…>

I totally agree, and isn’t this exactly what Andrew Yang’s Forward Party
wants? I wish them all the best.

On Sun, 21 Jan 2024 at 17:36, John Clark <johnkclark at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 21, 2024 at 12:53 AM Giulio Prisco <giulio at gmail.com> wrote:
> > "John, we'll just have to agree to disagree on which one (Trump or "woke")
>> is the greatest evil. But I think we can agree that both are far from
>> good"
> Actually I don't think it's very important if Biden is not good because History
> tells us we can survive a president that is not good, we've certainly had
> a lot of experience with presidents that are not good yet we are still
> here.  A catastrophic president would be another matter entirely because there
> is an upper limit to the amount of good a president can do even if he is a
> genius and a saint, but there is no lower limit, there is no bottom too
> bad. It's far more important to avoid a catastrophic president than it is
> to elect a good one.
>> >* "it is important to promote third-way alternatives for the longer
>> term."*
> That would be nice but here in the US, thanks to our crazy electoral
> college system, that is not possible. Our electoral college systems results
> in some crazy things, such as (according to the most recent census) giving
> a voter in Wyoming  68.3 times more power over deciding who gets to be a US
> senator than a voter in California and .giving a Wyoming voter 18.3 times
> more power in choosing who next President should be than California voter.
> The electoral college system also discourages the formation of a viable
> third-party. In all the states except for Maine and Nebraska there is a
> winner take all system, in the other 48 states and the District Of Columbia
> if candidate X has just one more person voting for him then candidate Y
> then candidate X receives 100% of the electoral votes. And that makes it
> nearly impossible for any third-party to get a foothold. A much more
> rational system would be to eliminate the ridiculous electoral college so
> that whoever got the most votes would be the president, if we had that
> Donald Trump would never have been president and hundreds of thousands of
> Americans wouldn't of died needlessly due to an inept response to the
> Covid pandemic, and George W. Bush would never have been president and we
> wouldn't have had the Iraq war .
> I also think It would be a good idea if people were allowed to vote for
> more than one person. For example, suppose you believed that candidate X
> would be a mediocre president, candidate Y would be a catastrophically bad
> president, and candidate Z would be a wonderful president, but you figured
> that candidate Z had almost no chance of winning. Who do you vote for? If
> I could only pick one I would vote for  candidate X, but if I could vote
> for as many people as I wanted to I would vote for candidate X AND
> candidate Z, and that would encourage the formation of a third-party, but
> unfortunately that is not the system we have. And that's why in the entire
> history of the US there has never been more than 2 viable political
> parties.
> John K Clark
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