[ExI] [Extropolis] Old and new futurisms in Silicon Valley

Darin Sunley dsunley at gmail.com
Tue Jan 23 07:25:03 UTC 2024

The self-described least racist people in the history of civilization
lobbied for, and successfully obtained, the removal of every person of
non-caucasian ethnicity from the label of every major brand in the grocery
store, including in cases where that was a real person who was actually
instrumental in the foundation of the brand.

I'm not saying they're ridiculously, viley, cartoonishly racist. But if
they were, the end result would look the same.

On Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 11:56 PM Keith Henson via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 10:43 AM Ben Zaiboc via extropy-chat
> <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> >
> > On 21/01/2024 21:50, Keith Henson wrote:
> >
> > Can you cite an example where "woke" mobs caused someone to lose a
> > job?  There are lots of reasons people lose jobs, but I am not
> > familiar with this one.
> >
> > There are plenty of examples of teachers and lecturers who have lost
> their jobs because of trying to do them properly, and thus rousing the
> Wrath of the Woke (I'm thinking particularly of Literature classes,
> involving Dangerous Books (that happen to be classic literature, but what
> does that matter in the face of Political Correctness Gone Mad?)),
> I have often expressed a low opinion of political correctness.
> >  and here in the UK, a couple running a pub lost their livelihood last
> year because someone noticed that they had the 'Wrong Kind of Dolls'
> included in a display of historical dolls that had been there for years,
> and kicked up a frenzy that resulted in the pub being put out of business.
> "How racist golliwog doll display led to a police raid, boycotts and
> pub’s eventual closure"
> https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/golliwog-dolls-grays-essex-pub-closes-b2331804.html
> > The dolls in question were Golliwogs. Yes, really. Apparently Golliwogs
> are so dangerous that you can be hounded out of your job for allowing
> people to see them.
> They were driven out of a business, which is worse than being driven
> out of a job.  But reading that story, it's clear it was not entirely
> outside forces that got them,  Times change, and objectionable symbols
> change too.  They could have packed the dolls away and gone on, but
> they decided to fight the irrational PC nonsense.  Fighting with
> irrational people is a lost cause.  Woke mob sounds correct.  Why
> people get involved in such is a good question.  Bullying is a known
> psychological trait, perhaps the woke mob is a manifestation of that
> nasty trail.
> Here is an example.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sambo%27s
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Story_of_Little_Black_Sambo
> This is a particularly stupid example of PC.  The attack was based on
> Sambo being African which was not the case at all, he was South Asian.
> Blacks seem to have understood this and were not bothered, after all,
> tigers are not African.  But social justice idiots are always looking
> for a cause . . .
> Another example, a friend of mine has a house built in the early 30s
> with a big swastika decoration on the chimney. He let ivy grow over
> the chimney.
> > No wonder Robinsons banished the iconic image from their jam jars years
> ago. Apparently they had an eerily accurate 'woke-meter', and neatly dodged
> that particular existential danger.
> They did the correct thing.
> Kieth
> > I'm sure Giulio can provide many other examples of people losing their
> jobs through the actions of 'woke' mobs.
> >
> > Ben
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