[ExI] first neuralink

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Wed Jan 31 00:31:07 UTC 2024

On Tue, 30 Jan 2024 at 16:37, <spike at rainier66.com> wrote:
> Well sure BillK.  But the NeurolinkX implantX lets the user get WiFi news feeds from TwitterX.  All one's memetic inputs will contradict each other, allowing the patient to go around so confused, it is like free drugs, except without the actual euphoria.
> spike

More companies working on brain implants..............

So – how big a deal is this one advance, implanting a wireless chip
into a human brain? Not very, at least not yet. Just the mere fact of
implanting a chip is not a big deal. The real test is how long it
lasts, how long it maintains its function, and how well it functions –
none of which has yet been demonstrated. Also, other companies
(although only a few) are ahead of the game already.
Here is a list of five companies (in addition to Neuralink) working on
BMI technology

It seems to be quite popular!


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