[ExI] New Interview on Transhumanism

Stefano Vaj stefano.vaj at gmail.com
Fri Jun 7 10:05:08 UTC 2024

I have been conspicuously absent from the transhumanist mailgroups scene
for years now, owing to professional and academic engagements, and to my
wish to concentrate on social networks instead. But I take the opportunity
of a long interview on transhumanism I recently gave to a (somewhat)
underground Italian Webzine for a comeback, in view also of the fact that
in the meantime linguistic barriers have been lowered, if not eliminated.

The title is "Il transumanismo spiegato agli italiani", and the text can be
found here:


Enjoy! And of course feel free to let me have your comments, if any. :-)

Stefano Vaj
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