[ExI] New Interview on Transhumanism

Stuart LaForge avant at sollegro.com
Sat Jun 8 16:28:38 UTC 2024

On 2024-06-07 03:05, Stefano Vaj via extropy-chat wrote:
> I have been conspicuously absent from the transhumanist mailgroups
> scene for years now, owing to professional and academic engagements,
> and to my wish to concentrate on social networks instead. But I take
> the opportunity of a long interview on transhumanism I recently gave
> to a (somewhat) underground Italian Webzine for a comeback, in view
> also of the fact that in the meantime linguistic barriers have been
> lowered, if not eliminated.
> The title is "Il transumanismo spiegato agli italiani", and the text
> can be found here:
> https://ilnemico.it/il-transumanesimo-spiegato-agli-italiani/
> Enjoy! And of course feel free to let me have your comments, if any.
> :-)

Welcome back, Stefano. :) I liked the interview, especially the AIT's 
take on transhumanism. I also thought the webzine was a good fit for it. 
It is well-designed and stylish.

Stuart LaForge

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