[ExI] trust the fake science?

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Mon Jun 10 16:16:00 UTC 2024

-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of Keith Henson via extropy-chat
Subject: Re: [ExI] trust the fake science?

If you do study this, you might put in a paragraph about the consequences of a large one failing.

Air isn't as dense as water, but below a modest depth, a collapsing volume will generate more of a shock blast than the same volume of TNT.

The consequences might be worse than one filled with hydrogen.


Ja there is that.  Also: if some miracle material is discovered that is strong enough, I see no plausible means of propulsion on something big enough for that.  So... wherever the wind goes is where your vacuum balloon goes.


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