[ExI] trust the fake science?

efc at swisscows.email efc at swisscows.email
Mon Jun 10 19:44:03 UTC 2024

On Mon, 10 Jun 2024, Keith Henson via extropy-chat wrote:

> "I have imagined the void balloon being much smaller, then using a
> large number of them -"
> Some time ago a Japanese neutrino detector was lined with
> photomultipliers the size of a TV CRT.
> One broke and the cascading shock wave broke a substantial fraction of the rest.
> Not saying this would happen with a bunch of void balloons, but it is
> something to consider.
> Keith

Hmm, I seem to remember reading something about Hydrogen airship safety, 
where someone was thinking along similar lines, having separate 
compartments, so if a fire started in one, it would be contained.

It was too long ago, so can't remember any details or sources.

Best regards,

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