[ExI] AI alignment

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Sat Jun 15 18:21:50 UTC 2024

-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Henson <hkeithhenson at gmail.com> 

>...The world of The Clinic Seed solved that problem by no reproduction in the (much more desirable) uploaded state...

Keith your sequel to the Clinic Seed could be about a population of meat humans who resisted uploading, stayed behind in the meter-scale world, but figured out how to communicate with the uploads.  The uploads identified the virtual infidels, then the few remaining humans erased or turned off the power to that subset of the virtual population in order to enable themselves to upload into an infidel-free virtual reality, populated entire with fidels, where they spend every code instruction, every clock cycle, worshiping their virtual deity of choice.


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