[ExI] Maybe space exploration will be a task for AI humanoids

MB mbb386 at main.nc.us
Fri Jun 28 12:09:27 UTC 2024

On Fri, June 28, 2024 00:16, Stuart LaForge via extropy-chat wrote:

> But what we are can be changed too, in the long term, through selective
> mating/breeding programs in conjunction with germline genetic
> engineering. You could call it an agoragenics program to distinguish it
> from top down approaches like eugenics. It could be as democratic and
> bottom up as a Tinder app that uses biometric and genomic data to match,
> for example, small radiation-resistant people to other small
> radiation-resistant people until you have a new subspecies of human
> perfectly adapted to living in space habitats.
> The obstacle with this idea is much more political than technological
> because, for example, we could probably have genetically-engineered mice
> well-adapted to life in space habitats within a few years, if it was a
> scientific priority.

Indeed so.

"Their creators called them "adapted men".  But the rest of the human race
saw them as monsters and tracked them through space to annihilate them.
Yet the "adapted men" survived and fled to the outmost edges of the galaxy
to fulfill their destiny - to seed the universe with the mutated scions of
Mankind.  Millennia later, it was only fitting that they should return to
a long forgotten plantary system to colonize a hostile world called Earth"

The promotional for "The Seedling Stars" by James Blish - 1957

Sounds like good stuff to me. :)  I really miss the old SF stories.


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