[ExI] uploads etc.

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Sat Mar 9 01:10:47 UTC 2024

On Sat, 9 Mar 2024 at 00:21, Keith Henson via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> Bill, it might be interesting to get Claude to talk about Suskulan,
> the AI in "The Clinic Seed."
> Some months ago I posted a few pages where I discussed the fictional
> AI with Chat-4.
> Quite surreal to be discussing a fictional AI with a real one.
> Keith
> _______________________________________________

Hi Keith
Claude says that he doesn't have anything about that in his knowledge base.
If you have a web link I may be able to get Claude to read it and give
an opinion.
(Send it privately if you don't want the link to be public).


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