[ExI] interesting take on nuclear power

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Sun Mar 10 20:59:00 UTC 2024

On Sun, 10 Mar 2024 at 19:12, Adrian Tymes via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> It is not the case that AGI has replaced 95% of marketers today.  Therefore, it seems logical to take the quote as a prediction that, perhaps, 95% will be replaced 5 years from now.  (Otherwise it's a prediction that 95% will be replaced with no timestamp, which could be in 100 or 1,000 years.)
> _______________________________________________

Altman is talking about two different entities.
AGI does not exist at present and may not exist for about another 5 years.

The simpler AI that we have now has already started replacing white
collar jobs and may eventually replace 95% of white-collar jobs.
JPMorgan’s AI-Aided Cashflow Model Can Cut Manual Work by 90%.

That simpler AI will be developed over the next five years and is
expected to lead to the creation of AGI.
(Human-level Artificial General Intelligence).
Human-level Artificial General Intelligence in 3-8 years, claims
scientist at Beneficial AGI Summit (Ben Goertzel).

Once AGI is developed in about five years time, it could thereafter
lead fairly quickly to the Singularity.


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